[Icecast] [Icecast-dev] metadata fallback mounts

Karl Heyes karl at xiph.org
Tue Jan 17 23:11:29 UTC 2006

Andy Woolley wrote:
> Have now set the log to level 4 and viewed the output when the stream 
> stops/starts.
> Can't see any errors though. I'm getting:
> source/source_move_clients passing 1 listeners to "/fallback.mp3"
>   on stream stop and:
> source/source_move_clients passing 1 listeners to "/studio"
>   when the stream starts again, so looks like it's working.
> Could it be the client at fault?
> Also, I did notice that sometimes (very occasionally) it will actually 
> work but takes about 3 to 4 minutes to action. I tried the test again 
> but it doesn't work every time only works occasionally.

from the description, it sounds like it is doing what it's supposed to 
be doing, but the listening client is buffering a large amount of the 
sent stream data.  The player will have a buffer, verify what setting 
that is at and what the stream stream bitrate is.


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