[Icecast] dropped at change of song and...

Ian A. Underwood agentgrn at dcne.net
Sat Mar 5 11:53:33 UTC 2005

Michael LaBash wrote:
> I'm running Icecast 2.2.0 on a Windows 2000 server. I'm using Winamp 
> with the SAM encoder plugin to stream an Ogg Vorbis stream (-0.55 
> quality stereo) from a remote machine. I'm having two problems.
> 1. The latest Winamp works great. Whamb on OSX works also (but no 
> Title/Artist info shows up). But on other players (Zinf and Audion [OS9 
> and OSX]) it works great for one song. At song change, the player stops 
> and I have to reopen the url again. Do I have to add some kind of 
> fallback for in between songs for these other players??

Not every sound player properly supports Ogg streaming, or at least 
that's what I've found.  For example, if I run a whitenoise OGG at Q-2, 
Winamp works fine, but almost every other player starts doing bad things.

> 2. Icecast keeps shutting down after about an hour. If there are no 
> players connected for a period of time does it shut down? Or if the YP 
> connection is lost does Icecast shut down?

What does SAM have in its event log at the time the encoder quits?  The 
encoder should keep running regardless of the incoming source stats.


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