[Icecast] Changing info on Icecast "playing" page

Michael Smith mlrsmith at gmail.com
Sat Jun 11 11:40:28 UTC 2005

On 6/10/05, Kelvin Chu <kc at ih.unsw.edu.au> wrote:
> Michael Smith wrote:
> > Icecast doesn't (and can't) know how long a track is. Icecast doesn't
> > really even know WHAT a 'track' is.
> I guess that could be passed by the software which is streaming the
> audio to Icecast (I mean, if a mp3 file is being streamed, if you can
> retrieve the ID3 info, there's no reason you can't retrieve the length
> of the song too right?
> Maybe that can be a feature that can be added to ices? :-)

There's no way to send that information over the protocol. 

If you wanted to hack something up, the easiest approach would be to
make icecast call some external script on every metadata change, and
insert the output of that script into the stats tree (then the xsl can
get at it), then you just need to hook your script up to something
that knows what ices is playing, and write out the length of that


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