[Icecast] IceCast 2.2 MP3 stream and Real Player noise

Fred Black fred at batanga.com
Wed Jun 8 15:34:53 UTC 2005

I tested it this morning and here are my findings:

1) The Intro tag causes Real Player to give an error that the stream
"contains unexpected data and may be corrupt".  It does not play with the
Intro tag in the mount point.  If I remove the Intro tag the stream plays,
and, the Real Player noise caused by meta-data is gone and the meta-data
updates work.

2) The Intro plays in iTunes and switches over to the stream when the Intro
has finished.  The meta-data updates work.

4) The Intro works in Windows Media Player and when the intro if finished,
it switches over to the stream.  Meta-data updates do not appear to work
with WMP.

Thank you,

-----Original Message-----
From: Karl Heyes [mailto:karl at xiph.org] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2005 7:55 AM
To: Fred Black
Cc: 'icecast'
Subject: RE: [Icecast] IceCast 2.2 MP3 stream and Real Player noise

On Tue, 2005-06-07 at 13:44, Fred Black wrote:
> Thanks,
> Is there anyway to get a pre 2.3 compiled version of this for Windows?

oddsock has been kind enough to built one, try 


and let us know


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