[Icecast] Several Questions about Ices2 & icecast2

Geoff Shang geoff at hitsandpieces.net
Wed Jan 19 00:14:46 UTC 2005

Meister Jaeg0r wrote:

> 2.	Is there any possibility of controlling ices2 by a webinterface with
> functions like nextrack, stop and play, switching live stream and playlist?

In addition to what others have written, Ices doesn't really have a 
stop/play function - it's either streaming to the server or it's not.  As 
someone else suggested, you may well do better with XMMS and Oddcast (or 
something similar), as there are plugins to remotely control XMMS and it is 
designed as a player so should allow you to stop/start, etc.


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