[Icecast] RE: Icecast dies

Karl Heyes karl at xiph.org
Thu Aug 4 19:11:28 UTC 2005

On Thu, 2005-08-04 at 07:44, Doc Nasty wrote:
> Is this a new build?  7/30/05 version..

It's the latest win32 build of the kh branch of icecast

> Where can I find the changelog on it, as well as features setup.  Sorry
> about the ignorance, I just now saw this part of it.  Also, what is the
> buildtree?  

I usually list the general changes in the NEWS file (ie from
http://svn.xiph.org/icecast/branches/kh/icecast/NEWS), svn can be used
to get the committed patch information. 

The docs and xml files show the most notable features, but there are a
fair few changes that are internals.  Many of these changes will be
going into the trunk code (then 2.3 release) after a sufficient amount
of testing and review has been done.


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