[Icecast] Help w/ ices & ALSA

Seth McTigh kleptein at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 2 14:21:29 UTC 2005

I'm currently using Icecast 2.2 w/ streams running DarkIce, under RH.  I'd like
to try Ices, but so far am completely striking out.  My soundcard has ALSA
drivers installed, but no matter what combination of settings I use in my config
file, Ices won't start and I get the error: 

"input/input_loop Couldn't initialise input module "alsa"

Can anyone give me direction on where to look, or try to tweak?  As I said, I
know  ALSA is working, because I'm running streams as I type this under DarkIce.
 I've even tried stopping DarkIce and running Ices, but no matter what I always
get the same error.  

Thanks for any help.


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