[icecast] could not create listener socket on port 8000

jensen galan jrgalan at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 7 19:41:17 UTC 2004

--- Oliver Stirling <oliver at ojms.org.uk> wrote:
> jensen galan wrote:
> >thanks for the advice!
> >
> >i tried the netstat command to see if anything is
> >running on port 8000, and it came up empty.
> >
> >any other suggestions?  really appreciate this.
> >
> >jg
> >
> >__________________________________
> >  
> >
> Do you have the server configured on the correct ip
> address (clutching 
> at straws) as I supose it might come up with that.
> Oli

i think i have the icecast.xml file configured



i have a linux box running the icecast server behind a
router on my private network.  is this configuration

thanks again.


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