[Icecast] startup problem: how to start ices under regular user account

Alex postfix at webgate.ro
Tue Dec 28 21:13:16 UTC 2004

Hello ices experts,

I am running icecast2 and ices2 which are working fine for me. What i 
can't find in docs is how to startup ices tu run under certain user 
account, not as root.

I tried to setuid /usr/bin/ices and change owner without luck... ices 
can't be started!

Also, i tried as root, to see if next command will work:

su -l alex -s /bin/bash -c "/usr/bin/ices /etc/ices-live.xm &"

or i added the above line in my startup scripts...but no ices process is 

I need this feature for my startup script, because i don't want to allow 
ices to be started as root!

Any help will be appreciated!


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