[icecast] Many sources into one stream

Jaroslaw Swierczynski swiergot at intersec.pl
Sat Apr 24 20:39:16 UTC 2004

Yes, it seems that using external VOIP program is the best solution.
I've already talked to DM8TBR and he noticed that such a program would
ensure the least possible latency as that's its task. Thanks for your
advices, Geoff. Now it shouldn't be any problem to get this together


   [ ----------< Live Long And Prosper !!! >---------- ]
   [   Jaroslaw Swierczynski  <swiergot at intersec.pl>   ]
   [ RLU: 207395 GG: 1834439 JID: swiergot at intersec.pl ]
   [ -----------------> Think Slack <----------------- ]

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