[icecast] icecast and ssl -error?

Anatol icecast at recordcaster.de
Sat Apr 24 09:22:54 UTC 2004


Karl Heyes wrote:
> [...]
> also check what is reported with
> curl-config --libs

That was a good hint :-)

My first question was: where is curl-config located? Ok, the locate-tool 
     told me:

# locate curl-conf

The first (/usr/bin/) is the stand. installation with (!) ssl.

I 'm not sure about any dependances with any other programs and won't 
touch it. So I installed a second curl in /usr/local/curl.

The /usr/bin/ is in the path-var so I can call curl-config with no path 
and runs the /usr/bin/-version

# curl-config --libs
-L/usr/lib -lcurl -L/usr/ssl/lib -lz -lssl -lcrypto -ldl -lz

Ok with ssl - that is right!

And now the second:
# /usr/local/curl/bin/curl-config --libs
-L/usr/local/curl/lib -lcurl -ldl -lz

Without ssl - wonderfull! :-)

I configure icecast now with the command:

# ./configure

# make

But nothing changes! I got still the same make-error!

Next I move /usr/bin/curl* to /anywhere/ and tryed again. Nothing!

Again I looked at the errorlines and saw "... -L/usr/local/curl/lib/lib 
/usr/lib/libcurl.so ..." ?!?!?

first: why ../lib/lib ???
second: why called /usr/lib/libcurl.so?! I told configuere an other 

Then I moved /usr/lib/libcurl* to /anywhere_else/ and run the 
icecast-configure again. And now some changes - but while configure:
checking curl/curl.h presence... yes
checking for curl/curl.h... yes
checking for libcurl... no
configure: libcurl not found, YP disabled

*grr* What is missing??!!

# ls /usr/local/curl/lib/
libcurl.a  libcurl.la  libcurl.so  libcurl.so.2  libcurl.so.2.0.2

# ls /usr/local/curl/bin/
curl  curl-config

by the way: I didn't forget to runs "make distclean" - even I remove the 
whole icecast-dir and untared it again.

I'm realy confused and didn't know what I can still do!!?? It seems, 
that the configure ignore the params ... Is it a bug or an error by me?

*aaargh* HELLP! I think, it's the right moment to bang my head against a 
brick wall! ;-)

Ok, what should I say?! Sorry because of my poor poor english - and I m 
realy, realy happy about any help! :-))

<p><p><p><p><p><p><p><p><p>--- >8 ----
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