[icecast] (was, streaming both ogg and mp3) now, sending out 3 streams

Karl Heyes karl at xiph.org
Sun Nov 23 04:12:30 UTC 2003

On Sun, 2003-11-23 at 03:51, Kerry Cox wrote:
> Hmmm, I guess more is incorrect here than I thought. I changed the
> resample in-rate to be 44100 like it should have have been.
> But still no joy. Here is the error message as shown in the error.log
> file. I'm looking things over and am not seeing my error.
> It looks like the audio resample for this particular stream is good.
> [root at icecast conf]# ices /usr/local/icecast2/conf/ices.stream.3.xml &
> [2] 8214
> [2003-11-22  18:44:18] INFO ices-core/main ices started...
> [2003-11-22  18:44:18] INFO input-oss/oss_open_module Opened audio
> device /dev/dsp at 2 channel(s), 41000 Hz

I didn't spot this before, your card/driver likes a samplerate of
41000hz, but 44100 is probably what you want.

> [2003-11-22  18:44:18] INFO encode/encode_initialise Encoder
> initialising with bitrate management: 2 channels, 41000 Hz, minimum
> bitrate -1, nominal 96000, maximum -1

I would suggest using the <quality> tags and not the <nominal-bitrate>
tags as the latter forces managed modes, therefore higher CPU usage.

> [root at icecast conf]# [2003-11-22  18:44:18] INFO
> audio/downmix_initialise Enabling stereo->mono downmixing
> [2003-11-22  18:44:18] INFO audio/downmix_initialise Enabling
> stereo->mono downmixing
> [2003-11-22  18:44:18] INFO audio/resample_initialise Initialised
> resampler for 1 channels, from 44100 Hz to 11000 Hz

notice a slight mismatch here, 44100 expected but audio is actually

> [2003-11-22  18:44:18] INFO encode/encode_initialise Encoder
> initialising with bitrate management: 1 channels, 11000 Hz, minimum
> bitrate -1, nominal 16000, maximum -1
> [2003-11-22  18:44:18] INFO signals/signal_usr1_handler Metadata update
> requested
> [2003-11-22  18:44:18] INFO audio/resample_initialise Initialised
> resampler for 1 channels, from 41000 Hz to 22050 Hz

this matches the actual input rate, but I guess you'll want to change
this as well.

> [2003-11-22  18:44:18] INFO encode/encode_initialise Encoder
> initialising with bitrate management: 1 channels, 22050 Hz, minimum
> bitrate -1, nominal 32000, maximum -1
> [2003-11-22  18:44:18] INFO stream/ices_instance_stream Connected to
> server:
> [2003-11-22  18:44:18] INFO stream/ices_instance_stream Connected to
> server:
> [2003-11-22  18:44:18] EROR stream/ices_instance_stream Failed initial
> connect to (Login failed: Success)

<p>> The "login failed: success" message is especially cryptic.

again check the icecast log to see why the source is dropped.

> It loks like the smallband option which is the smallest now works, but
> the mid-range or lowband option never initializes. Funky...

That sounds like a race to connect type problem, make sure of the max
source count on icecast.


<p><p><p><p>--- >8 ----
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