[icecast] Admin issues the Xth..

Benjamin Podszun ben at galactic-tales.de
Fri May 2 20:34:33 UTC 2003

Hi there.

I just switched from icecast1 to icecast2. Right now I'm not sure if
that was a very good idea. I do like the ogg-support, but I lack a good
amount of documentation (Hey, I'd be glad to help you out, but how can
there be consistent documentation for a software that is only available
through cvs(-snapshots)?) and good linux source clients.
I used xmms-liveice or muse before, but I have serious stability
problems with them connection to this icecast2-server.. Actually I
didn't even manage to get a single connection, so I'm not even sure if I
have a single streaming client to connect to the server. I could use
ices2 eventually, but it has the same problems as icecast2
(documentation,cvs-only) and iirc it allows only playlist streaming(?).
I need something that allows mit to stream "live".
Another problem is that I want to see stats at least and would like to
administrate a software that can use up that much bandwidth..
Trying to connect to myserver:8000/admin/<whatever> results in a
password dialog and I don't know the user/pass. I read the icecast
source and found something like admin_user and admin_password, but
everything I tried to make it work was in vain.. admin_password,
admin-password, every spelling I could think of.. Any hints on that?

What about doing regular releases? Open source philosophy is: Release
fast, relases often. But it would be great if you could provide us with
a "real" release on which we can build both our confidence and perhaps
contributed documentation.

I'd be happy about any reply.

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