[icecast] Stream with Ices2 sound very metallic

iceuse at kezako.net iceuse at kezako.net
Tue Mar 18 10:29:39 UTC 2003

Hi all,
in fact, I found that this feature is not implemented yet...

the vorbis setup returns : 
OV_EIMPL        The bitstream makes use of a feature not implemented in this 

<p>But, is it possible for the ices developpers to change encode.c:encode_initialise
to display the vorbis return code?
        int ret = vorbis_encode_setup_managed(&s->vi, channels, rate,
                            max_br>0?max_br:-1, nom_br, min_br>0?min_br:-1);

        if (ret) {
            LOG_ERROR6("Failed to configure managed encoding for "
                    "%d channel(s), at %d Hz, with bitrates %d max %d "
                    "nominal, %d min. Error code=%d", channels, rate, max_br, nom_br, min_br,ret);
            return NULL;
    } else
        int ret = vorbis_encode_setup_vbr(&s->vi, channels, rate, quality*0.1);

        if (ret) {
            LOG_ERROR4("Failed to configure VBR encoding for %d channel(s), "
                    "at %d Hz, quality level %f. Error code=%d", channels, rate, quality,ret);

<p><p>It is helpfull. Then we may just need to add a function in vorbis to display the error message
corresponding to the error code.
Perhaps I can do it, but I don't see how to apply as a developper.

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