[icecast] dare to compare -- live streams: ogg/WMA

boink boink at tetter.xs4all.nl
Sat Mar 15 22:17:41 UTC 2003


I like your point here .. it's difficult to make such a comparision,
since yacast.fr choosed to stream like that. Why did they choose to
stream like that? That's beyond me, since Radio France has a budjet of

The point of this comparision was to show why is Radio France doing and
paying for something like this? Me, with cheap computers which were
had no more value (well, they can't run Windows XP) could be used to do
streaming and reliable streaming. 

This is only possible because of the open source work ... which shows
that when creative thought is not stamped out by bureaucratic ineptitude
or/and corruption, it can achieve the "impossible". 

I do feel that Radio France, since it is a public service, does have the
duty not to waste money. This was also a point of my "comparision". 


On Sat, Mar 15, 2003 at 09:19:18AM -0800, HJ wrote:
> --- boink <boink at tetter.xs4all.nl> wrote:
> > The ogg stream is running at around 30 kbps/11 kHz in stereo. The
> > WMA
> > stream (provided by yacast.fr) is running at 16 kbps/22 kHz in
> > mono. 
> Is stereo vs. mono, and 22khz vs. 11khz even a fair comparison?
> 22khz vs. 11khz: 22khz, by definition, gives the 22khz stream much
> more frequency range and *opportunity* to sound clearer.  Yes, there
> are more audible artifacts in the .wma than in the Vorbis stream,
> but IMHO the sampling rate should match anyway.
> Stereo vs. mono is less of an issue, I think, but it can still wreak
> havoc when trying to do an honest comparison.
> Think:
>   * WMA stream:  sounds 'clearer', but more artifacts, 1 channel,
> 16kbps
>   * Vorbis stream:  sounds 'cleaner' but not 'clearer', less
> artifacts, 2 channels, 30kbps
> One might assume strange things based on bitrate, difference in
> channels, and overlook or cry foul that the sampling rates are
> different.
> ~HJ
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