[icecast] OT: whats your opinion of ODDSOCK streamTranscoder?

gtgbr at gmx.net gtgbr at gmx.net
Thu Mar 13 15:06:32 UTC 2003

Geoff Shang wrote:
> Not artifact free of course, but hey, it's 64kbps.  The vorbis folks have a
> comparison page on the vorbis site which doesn't seem to be linked from the
> front page anymore hmmm.   anyway, it allowed you to compare vorbis at
> 64kbps with a stack of other codecs at the same or similar rates.  Anyone
> got the direct url?  This should probably have a nice prominent link on the
> vorbis.com front page.

The link is http://www.xiph.org/ogg/vorbis/listen.html - it came with
the Vorbis 1.0 Release News.

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