[icecast] Howto stream using icecast/ices bit rate peeled ogg files

Alan Young alany at techalan.com
Tue Mar 11 18:17:00 UTC 2003

Icecast / Vorbis community,

I have a icecast/ices audio streaming server from which I stream ogg audio
files.  I know that I can encode different streams for low, medium and /or
high quality broadcasts (for example).  However, I would like to have one
stream that uses bit rate peeling to send the user the highest quality
stream that their bandwidth will allow.

Has any one done this?  Does any one know if this currently possible?

Thank you,

Alan Young

PS. I have the tools to bit rate peel a file, I just don’t know how to get
it to work with icecast/ices.

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