[icecast] Playlist Web Display Code Request

Roy Harvey roy at lamrim.com
Sun Jun 29 01:09:03 UTC 2003

Stefan --

I'm aware of the xml option, but just didn't want to have to reinvent the 
wheel if someone more handy with Perl has done it already.

As far as next five "songs", I should have been more clear, it's actually 
next 5 "lectures" and since I have broadcast rights to the content, there 
is no problem in pre-announcing.

Best Regards,


At 04:49 PM 06/28/03 +0200, you wrote:
> > Does someone have any script code (perl, bash, whatever) that creates
> > a "Now Playing" list from the ices playlist and logs?  Ideally, it
> > would display the last five songs that played as well as the next five
> > (for non-random playlists) and be able to wrap around to the beginning
> > when it hits the end of the list. ;-)
>You can grab the currently playing song from the xml-information the
>server provides with a simple script yourself - e.g. every 10 seconds
>maybe. Viewing the "last five" shouldn't be too hard either then.
>And showing the next songs ... well, you wouldn't normally do this -
>and in some countries this also conflicts with law (because you may
>not announce songs that will be played next due to copyright-issues).
>If you announce the next songs I guess the intention of those laws is
>to prevent from people saying "oh, in 15 minutes I need to press
>record on my tapedeck". As far as I understand it laws want to make
>it harder for them to record what they want. Surely they can grab
>everything they currently hear - but that's a different story :-)

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