[icecast] IceCast Questions.... ("id3 tags, mp3, Ogg, etc)

Geoff Shang gshang at uq.net.au
Fri Jul 18 22:42:45 UTC 2003

On Fri, 18 Jul 2003, Stefan Neufeind wrote:

> Together with this topic I might bring up the topic of a radio
> automation system. Maybe there are some tools out there, freely
> available? I don't want to / can't purchase a commercial system for
> 3000$ or something to do automation. But it should support things
> like automatic fading based on the songs (endings / beginnings of a
> song), be able to use categories to build a well-balanced playlist,
> play jingles from time to time etc. Also a Linux-solution for
> combining this with live-talk (moderation) would be really much
> appreciated. Does somebody know of any such solution out there?

Yes but it's not yet released.  A guy I know has a great system that does
all this.  It's currently used to power the automated streams at
www.acbradio.org and his own station at www.bigplanetradio.com.  In
addition to what you mention, it also does narrow and wideband compression
and can read and broadcast in mp3 and ogg vorbis.  It's not currently
available to the public because he has to do a lot of paperwork for his
employer in order to release it, and it's still got some bugs and features
to address.  But it's a great system and it works well.  I know a lot of
you are looking for such a tool, so I'll make sure that you all hear about
it when it's available to the public.


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