[icecast] relay servers and mountpoints

Michael Smith msmith at labyrinth.net.au
Tue Jan 21 07:17:03 UTC 2003

Adon Irani <adon at YorkU.CA> said:

> > >
> > > two ideas :
> > > - should/could i run 2 instances ices w/ separate .xml files ?
> >
> > Yes.
> i've g0t this working ,, but only w/ .ogg . does ices not support .mp3 for
> the playlist ?
> _ i even made a separate .xml for when .mp3 archives come up , and i've
> tried /64kbpsR AND /64kbpsR.mp3 as mountpoints . ,
> all my archives from before December are mp3 ! gh .,
>  a:/,

ices2 does not (and will not) support mp3. ices 0.x does, and if you get the
current cvs version it'll work with icecast2.


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