[icecast] A large streaming project

Ross Levis ross at stationplaylist.com
Thu Feb 27 07:36:46 UTC 2003

Jack Moffitt wrote

>8000 streams is quite a lot.  Not to mention the amount of music you
>would need to make the content in 8000 streams more than trivial :)
>Or do you just mean 8000 simultaneous listeners?  Because that is quite
>a different problem.
No 8000 streams, but that could take a few years to obtain.  Probably 
around 2000 in the first year and they won't be just music either. 
 Content will be provided by thousands the DJ's employed from all over 
the world to provide 2 hours a day of programming including 
announcements and advertisements.

I've been employed to write software to help the DJ's compile their 
shows, and at our end, compile the playlists for each station and 
control the playout software.  The first stations should start appearing 
in a couple of months.

Michael Smith wrote:
 > The only major thing is this: do they require RTP (multicast)?

Can you explain what this is and it's benefits?  I tried googling it but 
didn't find anything useful.


Ross Levis.

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