[icecast] problem with latest ices CVS release?

Kerry Cox kerry.cox at ksl.com
Sun Feb 2 23:52:37 UTC 2003

Just downloaded the latest ices from CVS. I'm getting an error that I
haven't seen before. I had things working fine just a few days ago.
Here's my standard ices.xml file. I tried several different configs
using the distribution examples as well and still got errors.

[root at pluto conf]# ices /usr/local/icecast2/conf/ices-live.xml &
[2] 22247
[root at pluto conf]# [2003-02-02  16:46:47] INFO ices-core/main ices
[2003-02-02  16:46:47] EROR input-oss/oss_open_module Couldn't set
sampling rate
[2003-02-02  16:46:47] EROR input/input_loop Couldn't initialise input
module "oss"

[2003-02-02  16:46:47] INFO ices-core/main Shutdown complete

Just wondering if I am too stupid from lack of sleep or if something
really did get changed. Anyone else having this problem?

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