[icecast] Icecast2 issues continue

Geoff Shang gshang at uq.net.au
Wed Oct 9 06:08:50 UTC 2002


Well, up until about a week ago, we had our stream up and running on 3
seperate mountpoints and it was rock solid.  then we started hitting
problems with disconnects and the like.  I recompiled everything this
morning and set it running again.   But one mount has died already.

We have 3 streams running.  the first is the ogg files as they were encoded
(egoplay.ogg).  the second is a re-encode to 44.1khz stereo at quality 0
(egoplay64.ogg).  and the third is a downmix and resample to 22.05khz mono
at quality -1 (egoplay24.ogg).  It's this latter one that's died.

by using the "current song" information from the stats page, I was able to
find the log entries around the time it died.  Here's what the ices logfile

[2002-10-09  01:00:24] INFO playlist-builtin/playlist_read Currently
playing /var/music/Jerry_Garcia_&_David_Grisman/Shady_Grove/07-Jackaroo.ogg
[2002-10-09  01:00:24] DBUG encode/encode_clear Clearing encoder engine
[2002-10-09  01:00:24] DBUG reencode/reencode_page Reinitialising reencoder
new logical stream
[2002-10-09  01:00:24] INFO encode/encode_initialise Encoder initialising
with VBR: 1 channel(s), 22050 Hz, quality -1.000000
[2002-10-09  01:00:24] INFO audio/resample_initialise Initialised resampler
1 channels, from 44100 Hz to 22050 Hz
[2002-10-09  01:00:24] INFO audio/downmix_initialise Enabling stereo->mono
[2002-10-09  01:00:24] DBUG encode/encode_clear Clearing encoder engine
[2002-10-09  01:00:24] DBUG reencode/reencode_page Reinitialising reencoder
new logical stream
[2002-10-09  01:00:24] INFO encode/encode_initialise Encoder initialising
with VBR: 2 channel(s), 44100 Hz, quality 0.000000

Shortly after in the icecast2 error log, we see:

[2002-10-09  01:01:50] WARN source/source_main Disconnecting source: socket
timeout (10 s) expired
[2002-10-09  01:01:50] INFO source/source_main Removing source following
[2002-10-09  01:01:50] DBUG source/source_main Source exiting

There's also 1 entry in the access log: - - [09/Oct/2002:01:01:50 -0400] "SOURCE /egoplay24.ogg
HTTP/1.0" 200 149191191 "-" "IceS 2.0beta2" 51847

there is no evidence of this in the ices log except for the fact that after
this point, the messages regarding the downmixing and resampling for the
low bitrate stream stop appearing.

wish I could give you more info. but I've got logging set as high as it
will go and that's all I have.  all 3 mounts are on the same server, so
it's not a network thing or they'dve all have gone down.

I'll report again if either of the other two mounts die.


Geoff Shang <gshang at uq.net.au>
ICQ number 43634701

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