[icecast] [OT] Online music database

Leo Currie leo.currie at strath.ac.uk
Thu Nov 21 17:04:11 UTC 2002

Scott Prive wrote:
> (Already noting the posts that say this is not available)
> Are you willing to deal with "non authoritative" answers in your query?

Yep. Basically, we're running a student 'radio' station (online, mainly 
music, multiple streams), most of which will be playlisted. At the 
moment I'm cobbling together a script to let folk upload .ogg files to 
the database. It presents them with a form containing all the tag's off 
the file, and a few other details we need (including the publisher) for 
them to confirm / edit before it's stored.
The publisher details are required for our returns to the music 
licensing people (who will no doubt double check everything!)
So it would be nice for the script to at least _guess_ at which label 
the track was licensed by.

> If so, you can write some scripts that talk CGI to a commercial music vendor. I use a (no  longer available) MP3 tagger called "MP3 Internet Renamer". It would go out and request a web page from the "All Music Guide" ( http://www.allmusic.com/ ). 

Sounds good.  My skills aren't up to it, but there is only one way to 

> The application  will then parse out information for the tags. The tagger is no longer available (and was closed source anyways) so you'll need to write your own regular expressions/parser, but this is very doable using a lightweight web browser such as "links" (or lynx, w3m, etc).

wonder if I could do it using libwww-perl?

> This method breaks if the music vendor has incorrect information, or if they change page formatting sufficently that your text search no longer finds the data.

I'll give it a shot! I guess it's just a case of taking a close look at 
the html results from a bunch of queries, and working out a strategy for 
extracting the right info.
Thanks for the link! I'll let you know how I get on...


>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Leo Currie [mailto:leo.currie at strath.ac.uk]
>>Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 7:04 AM
>>To: icecast at xiph.org
>>Subject: [icecast] [OT] Online music database
>>Sorry this isn't really icecast related, but
>>I'm looking for an online music database that will let me search by 
>>artist+track and retrieve the likely record label / music 
>>publisher that 
>>owns the copyright.
>>I want to do this from within a script as well :)
>>Hoping somebody might know of one off the top of their head...
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