[icecast] bind to socket on port 8000 failed

Igor Gueths igueths at attbi.com
Wed Nov 20 01:39:10 UTC 2002

Hi all. I'm getting this error in my Icecast logs, and don't know what to
make of it. I don't have any services running on port 8000 besides the
attempted Icecast server. Note that the error doesn't appear in the
foreground, the server will just appear to die. Anyone know why I am
getting this msg? I am running Icecast (latest sources), and the latest
Ices listed on icecast.org. Thanks in advance! PS: Running Debian 3.0R0 on

May you code in the power of the source,
may the kernel, libraries, and utilities be with you,
throughout all distributions until the end of the epoch.

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