[icecast] Performance question

Michael Smith msmith at xiph.org
Tue Nov 19 02:01:53 UTC 2002

At 10:30 AM 18/11/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>I'm looking for sizing information for the 1.3.11 Icecast server.  I have
>the following system:
>FreeBSD 4.3
>Pentium II 400 MHz
>128 MB memory
>100 Mb Ethernet connection (FD)
>I am looking for an estimate to the number of clients I can have running
>against this server.  It looks to be configured for MAX_CLIENTS = 800, but
>I'm looking for some sizing and performance estimates based on my
>configuration and real world experience.  The clients will be connecting
>from the same LAN as the server, so there are no other network
>considerations to be brought into play.

With icecast2, you'd probably hit network limits (with only 100 Mb/s)
well before you'd hit limits in the software or hardware. 

With icecast 1.3.x, scaling may not be quite as good, but should
be similar. I'd guess (but haven't tested) that you'd again hit
network limits first (or this MAX_CLIENTS thing, whatever that is).


<p>--- >8 ----
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