[icecast] buffer size from source to ice/shoutcast

Brandon bcasci at runbox.com
Fri Nov 15 23:57:37 UTC 2002


I've built my own source for ICE/SHOUTcast, and it works pretty well except for one thing. After tuning into the server and listening for an 60-90 minutes you may hear a song skip ahead 30-90 seconds. I think I know why this is happening but I'mnot sure how to fix it. 

I think this is happening because my source is sending a little bit too much data to ICE/SHOUTcast. My formula for sending data is pretty simple and goes like this:

buffersize = bitrate * 1024 / 8
send buffer
wait 1 second

So..broadcasting at 128kbs means I send a buffer of 16384 bytes per second.

Is this the correct way to calculate how many bytes to send ICEcast or is there a better way? Am I disregarding anyting liek network overhead?

I've run my source from several computers, all had the same problem. I also ran it on the same box as shout/ice just to eliminate any network issues. Same results...

The SHOUTcase DSP plugin and other sources I have tested don't seem to have this problem.

What is the proper way to calculate how much data, and how often you should send data to SHOUT/ICEcast?

<p>Thanks for your time.


<p>--- >8 ----
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