[icecast] Freedomaudio player

Leo Currie aeu01322 at strath.ac.uk
Mon Nov 11 10:16:06 UTC 2002

Hi folks

Got Icecast2 running on Redhat8 with IceS2 as a source, streaming some OGG
files. All works nicely (not _especially_ reliable :) but it seems to lock
up the Freedomaudio java player between tracks.
Everytime a new file begins, the player stops and says 'Loading'.
I'm wondering if it's somehthing to do with metadata -
is there a way of disabling metadata from IceS2? (i.e. just the track
title changes?)
Works fine in Winamp - does IceS2 actually disconnect the source between
tracks though?

Finally, can anyone suggest a source client that does wot IceS2 does, but
that can 'crossfade' ogg tracks? Preferrably with scriptable playlists :)



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