[icecast] Bandwidth

Brendan Cully brendan at icecast.org
Fri May 24 13:08:57 UTC 2002

On Friday, 24 May 2002 at 13:06, Cédric Mallet wrote:
> Just a little question about icecast. I guess the streaming technique
> used is unicast. In that case, how is it that the bandwith used does not
> grow up as several listeners connect ? Or is the bandwith written in the
> icecast interface the bandwith used per listener ?

It does grow per listener, but the number reported at the console isn't
accurate to very many decimal places. So if you're only streaming
128kbit, it'll only jump every few listeners. At least, this is how I
remember it from the last time I read that code.


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