[icecast] Newbie playing with php

Luiz Claudio Duarte lclaudius at luiz.claudio.nom.br
Fri Mar 29 18:00:35 UTC 2002

Hi, folks. I've installed icecast 1.3.11 and I'm very happy with
it. But I'd like to add a "now playing" gizmo to my home page;
can anyone point me to a php script or something else that does
the trick? Thanks in advance.

People don't quit playing because they      ___vvz   /(
grow old. They grow old because they       <__,`  Z /  (
quit playing. [Oliver Wendell Holmes]       `~~~) )Z)   (
=> LCD (http://www.luiz.claudio.nom.br) <=     /  (7   (

--- >8 ----
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