[icecast] pre-buffering

Carl Karsten carl at personnelware.com
Fri Apr 12 05:14:30 UTC 2002

> > Is it true ? And if it is, is there any way to change that behavior ?
> Yes.  Icecast always sends data at the data rate.  This behavior will
> not change in the 1.3.x branch.  We will however try and make
> prebuffering as fast as possible in 2.x (it's currently done the same
> way, but we plan to add this feature).

Doesn't icecast send the data out as fast as it gets it from the source?  I am not sure how it could send  it out any faster.  It is
the client that figures out how much it wants to buffer before it starts playing.  right?

Carl Karsten

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