[icecast] Getting started

Doug Curtis doug.curtis at world-mail.org
Thu Apr 4 13:21:43 UTC 2002

First off, you need some sort of streaming server (preferably 
icecast).  Configuring icecast is pretty easy.  Now you need a streamer 
that will take the line in from your soundcard (I'm assuming you are using 
the line in of your soundcard to get the FM broadcast onto your computer) 
and encode it to mp3.  I've found that Darkice does a pretty good job at 
this.  Also, Liveice will complete the task.

I won't go into the details of configuration, but it's fairly simple.  That 
should get you started.

Hope it helps,


At 09:32 AM 4/4/2002 -0300, you wrote:
>Hi guys!
>   I'm new here and need some help.
>   I need to broadcast (live) a FM radio signal to the internet.
>   Where should I start reading to learn how?
>Thanks in advance

<p>--- >8 ----
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