Updating show titles (was Re: [icecast] a new directory service)

Geoff Shang gshang at uq.net.au
Mon Sep 17 15:05:07 UTC 2001


this changing data issue raises a problem we've hit using traditional MP3
streaming and I wondered if there were any way to overcome this, either
using icecast 1 or 2.

I'm involved in a project called ACB radio interactive
(http://interactive.acbradio.org) which consists of a number of DJ's from
all over the world taking it in turn to use a common server.  We currently
broadcast using live365
at 16 or 24kbps in either mono or stereo, depending on the broadcaster's
resources and preferences.  However, we're looking to change to a model
where we'd have 2 servers, one accepting connections at any rate (including
broadband rates) and passing that off to a live365 server, whilst at the
same time, downsampling it to 22khz 24kbps mono and making that available
on a second server.  One of the objectives of this approach is keeping a
common data rate and thereby being able to keep listeners between shows.
What we've found, however, is that the stream title is only sent to the
client during initial connect.  If I recall correctly, in icecast2, it's in
the ice-name header.  We'd like to be able to update this for each
broadcast on both streams.  Of course, people listening to the stream as is
will have to reconnect anyway, so they'll have no problems.  but the people
on the 24kbps stream need to get the new data.  Can this be done?  Is it
possible to do this with ogg, if not MP3?  Perhaps make a custom tag for
this which the server sends on from the source when it takes over?  Since
ogg copes just fine with chained streams, this would seem to be a must.


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