[icecast] Run liveice as a background process...

William Goldsmith wildbill at kpig.com
Mon Oct 8 16:43:39 UTC 2001

You can chmod 666 /dev/dsp* - I can't think of any problems with that. Or
create a group with the appropriate permissions.

> Tried running it as non root user but something about the user not having
access to the /dev/dsp audio device.  I've got to give the user the ability
to use that device?
> Thanks for the help.
> Matt

> >>> wildbill at kpig.com 10/8/01 10:43:44 AM >>>
> That will run liveice as root. If that's what you want, then this ought to
> work:
> /usr/local/icecast/bin/liveice >/dev/null 2>/dev/null &
> As a rule, it's probably better to run it as a non-root user (though I'm
> aware of any specific security concerns with liveice).  If you've been
> running it as root, you'll need to chown -R the hidden temp files
> (in the same dir as liveice).
> Hope that helps
> -bg
> > I want to run liveice when the RH71 server boots up.  I cannot seem to
> it right though.  This is what I have tried to do...
> >
> > In /etc/rc.d/rc.local
> >      /usr/local/icecast/bin/liveice &
> >
> > This is failing though.  Is anyone else out there successfully starting
> liveice as a background process?  How have you been able to do it?
> >

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