[icecast] Re: [isoc-ny] Stallman @ NYU

Susan Tenby susan at compumentor.org
Wed May 30 17:12:31 UTC 2001

On a similar note, TechSoup.org, the nonprofit technology portal at which I 
work, is currently having an Open Source online discussion event.  It will 
only be happening for two more days.  I would love to hear some of you Open 
Source geeks in the discussion.
See you online,


Please feel free to forward this announce to your friend and colleages:

TechSoup.org<http://www.techsoup.org/lists.cfm> and Helping.org 
<http://www.helping.org/nonprofit> invite you to participate in a national 
online event this week, "Open Source Software Solutions."

Join us for a four day event May 29-June 1st in TechSoup's Community at:

What is Open Source software? How difficult is it to use? What is the long 
term reliability of Open Source software? Is Open Source software better 
used on a server or a desktop? Does open source mean free? Which version of 
Linux should I use?

This discussion with technology experts and nonprofit colleagues will help 
you determine when and if it makes sense for your organization to use Open 
Source software, and to dispel the myths around it. Pose your questions to 
tech experts, share your own experiences and find out, for example, how 
other nonprofits are using open source software in their organizations.
Be avant-garde. Be revolutionary. Be part of the Open Source movement.

This event at 
<http://www.techsoup.org/lists.cfm?file=board&mb=5032536521104784> will be 
co-managed by the Benton Foundation (editors of Helping.org) and 
TechSoup.org. It will be facilitated by Open Source experts, Mark Jaronsky 
of Debian.org <http://www.debian.org> and Marnie Webb of Compumentor.org 

Following the four day-long event, TechSoup will also host and archive the 
ongoing discussion on its message boards. This event will launch the new 
forum in the TechSoup Community, Open Source Solutions. This is the fourth 
in a series of nonprofit technology events, co-sponsored by TechSoup.org 
and Helping.org.

At 01:31 AM 5/30/01 -0700, WWWhatsup wrote:

>I did manage to dv-tape this from the front row, and thus
>got pretty fair audio, but a slightly awkward camera angle.
>NYU Media Lab had a tripod set up at the back, and were
>apparently intending to webcast the results via real. They
>were a little taken aback when I mentioned Richard's aversion
>to propietary formats, and thanked me profusely for pointing
>it out, and saving them grief.
>Meanwhile I've encoded the audio in the kosher ogg-vorbis format,
>but i couldn't encode at less than 128k, so the files are
>huge - 110MB+ - but for those that have the pipe they are there
>plus some stills. http://punkcast.com/64/
>I do wish there was an 'free' SMIL player and a good low bitrate audio
>codec that would allow me to do the modem speed slideshow (sigh)
>I'll be happy to burn and mail cd's to any isoc/istf members
>that are interested. mailto:joly at dti.net?subject=stallman
>If you want video I'd have to clear it with gnu.org
>One appeal that Stallman did make, which strikes me as reasonable, is
>that in normal use when referring to the OS rather than just
>the kernel - one use the designation GNU/Linux .. to give full
>credit to the GPL community. "Still less syllables than Windows2000."
>GNU Press Release
>CNET: Open-source guru to rebut Microsoft
>eweek: Stallman strikes back at Microsoft
>ogg-vorbis info
>**************cut when replying*****************
>   WWWhatsup  NYC  -  http://pinstand.com
>  http://punkcast.com - http://streamola.com
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Susan Tenby, Community Producer, TechSoup.org.
487 Third Street, San Francisco, CA 94107
Voice: 415.512.7784 x333
Fax: 415.365.2870
Email: susan at compumentor.org
Bringing people and technology together to strengthen our communities
Technology served the way nonprofits need it, powered by CompuMentor

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