[icecast] Getting Listed

lists at returntonature.com lists at returntonature.com
Fri Mar 16 04:25:52 UTC 2001


What streaming program are you using?  I'm using icecast 1.3.10 with meta
data turned on and it doesn't want to list on yp.shoutcast.com.  Can you
e-mail me your icecast.conf and your streaming config file via e-mail?


> I saw a post a minute ago and stupidly hit the delete button instead of
>  reply, so no quoted response but.. You don't have to relay to a
> shoutcast  server to get listed on yp.shoutcast.com.
> You probably have metadata disabled, and they won't list you without
> it.  I  know it's "experimental" in the config file, but I haven't had
> any problems  with it since icecast 1.3.9, and my station now shows up
> on the shoutcast  server.
> What really sucks is that live365 relays don't show up on there.. oh
> well.
> -Asym
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