[icecast] another Icecast2/Vorbis test stream

Michael Smith msmith at labyrinth.net.au
Thu Mar 15 00:02:00 UTC 2001

At 03:55 PM 3/14/01 +0100, you wrote:
>i tuned in, with freeamp for windows, version 2.1.0 on windows 98se, it
>buffers, shows it's a 24kbps stream, but doesn't start to play.

Once more - if you're using freeamp, and it doesn't work, you need a more
recent version  of freeamp. 2.1.0 doesn't exist. The latest release is 
2.1.0rc6, which is also buggy. There's a link on the front page of freeamp.org
to source for freeamp from _after_ the bugs were fixed. Update.


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