[icecast] ogg vorbis works in windows media plyaer

Maarten Stolte maarten.stolte at veronica.nl
Fri Jun 29 07:11:21 UTC 2001

Does it do streaming etc?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-icecast at xiph.org [mailto:owner-icecast at xiph.org]On Behalf Of
> Jack Moffitt
> Sent: Friday, June 29, 2001 6:11 AM
> To: icecast at xiph.org
> Subject: [icecast] ogg vorbis works in windows media plyaer
> The first release of the DirectShow filters, which also enables Ogg
> Vorbis playback in Windows Media Player was released today.
> http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/zorannt/Codecs-0.0.3.msi
> This installed great for me on win2k, but reportedly has issues with
> Win9x.  There will be an update tomrrow I believe.
> Big news :)
> jack.
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