[icecast] Trouble with LiveIce

Michael Spiegel mspiegel at sccs.swarthmore.edu
Tue Jun 26 02:32:44 UTC 2001

Hi Folks,

I'm having the weirdest trouble with liveice.  When I start it up with the
correct servername, it grinds to a halt with these messages:

Initialising Soundcard
16Bit 22050Hz Stereo
opening connection to localhost 8000
Attempting to Contact Server
connection successful: forking process
opening pipe!...
writing password   

Then it waits there.  Now, when I tried it with a bogus servername,
liveice starts working.  Of course, it's not sending me stream
anywhere! Why is this happening?

Here are the messages:

Attempting to Contact Server
oops...some problem connecting, disabling stream
Setting Up Interface
Soundcard Reopened for Encoding

etc, etc.

Thanks greatly,

-Michael Spiegel, '03
WSRN 91.5 FM
Swarthmore College Radio
500 College Ave.
Swarthmore, PA 19081

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