[icecast] FreeBSD in general

Dave Hayes dave at jetcafe.org
Tue Jun 12 05:08:14 UTC 2001

Matt Boersma <boersma at genomica.com> writes:
> from 0.8 - 2 % CPU time and about 4MB of resident memory.  I even
> "renice -10" it at the suggestion of someone else on this list.
> Lame (or another encoder) will be by far the biggest CPU consumer.

Have you tried rtprio at all? I understand this may be the only thing
running on your box, but still...

> If you don't have the newer sock.c (from CVS, not in the 1.3.10.tgz
> distribution), you will likely hear "looping" problems, so make sure
> to get it.

Is there a patch anywhere?

Also, has anyone noticed that sometimes icecast doesn't touch
yp.icecast.org properly? I see my station on shoutcast.com, but
not icecast.org...
Dave Hayes - Consultant - Altadena CA, USA - dave at jetcafe.org 
>>> The opinions expressed above are entirely my own <<<

The original purpose of cultivating restraint is so that eventually...
                                        one will not need to have restraint.

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