[icecast] multiple ices streams and misc other stuff?

Kirk Reiser kirk at braille.uwo.ca
Sun Jun 10 21:58:11 UTC 2001

Hi Brendan:  The diff patched, configured and compiled just greate.  A
bit of a false start because I chose a bitrate lame didn't like.  Once
I figured that out however things went fine.  You might want to log
the point lame dies on something which would help others know where to
look for lame errors.

On another note, I see ices still only accepts /tmp for the
ices:Basedirectory tag.  I hope that's on someone's bug list.

A very nice job.  I have three streams running 128, 56, and 24.  They
all sound fine except for the 24 which is lames fault.  I have had it
running long enough yet to know how it will do over time but that'll
come. 'grin'

p.s. If there's anything you want me to beat on in particular just let
me know.


Kirk Reiser				The Computer Braille Facility
e-mail: kirk at braille.uwo.ca		University of Western Ontario
phone: (519) 661-3061

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