[icecast] Multiple Beginner Questions

Roy Harvey roy at lamrim.com
Wed Jul 4 08:59:58 UTC 2001

Hi Everyone --

First and foremost, I'd like to thank the creators of Icecast and all the
ancillary tools.  Most excellent work!

I'm running a somewhat unique radio station called LamRim Radio which hosts
Tibetan Buddhist teachings and recently hosted a semi-real-time teaching by
His Holiness the Dalai Lama of Tibet...


Icecast has been the enabling software to make this all possible and for
this I (and many others) are grateful.

I've been running version 1.3.0 with Shout on Red Hat 5x with limited
trouble; occassional chirping and dropped WinAmp connections during long
client sessions (> 1-2 hours). But nothing to troublesome...

But more recently I upgraded to Red Hat 7x and have found Icecast "locking
up" and having to be reset every other day, where in past it was running
trouble-free for weeks at a time...

And my new observation (perhaps obvious to better operators than I) is the
total loss of Shoutcast directory listings.

I figured this must be a change on the Shoutcast side and probably required
that I upgrade to 1.3.10 and move into the new millenium with the adoption
of IceS (instead of Shout).

I think I have everything now running on a secondary test server, but MTD
(Mean Time between client Disconnects and other chirps, skips, etc...) is
now every few minutes. I'm also a little lost on the whole "XML config"
setup, but I'm still plugging through the docs...  Shoutcast directory
listings are still not showing up...  I'm hoping I don't need to run their
servers to make this work... ;-(

My current setup is:

RedHat Linux 7.1
Icecast 1.3.10
IceS 0.1.0
Large MP3 files (typically 1-2 hours each)
16khz stream
1.1Mbps SDSL connection

Any thoughts or help would be most appreciated. Or simply words of
encouragement / wisdom from others.

Thanks Much!


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