[icecast] yp.icecast.org || when does your stream come into the db?

Jack Moffitt jack at icecast.org
Fri Apr 13 02:49:59 UTC 2001

> That much I figured out. I'm trying to use winamp to set up a remote
> broadcast. Where do I tell (either icecast or winamp) what the mount
> point is. When I use the shoutcast source it appears to create a mount
> moint cammed ice_0. I have no idea where that comes from.

If you use Nullsoft's tools, you cannot specify mount points.  That's
because the Nullsoft team never added multiple streams per server.  If
you run shoutcast, you have to create extra servers.

If you send an icy (shoutcast-style) stream to icecast, it assign you a
mountpoint like /icy_0.  if you connect another (from a different ip
address), it will assign you /icy_1, etc.

You cannot connect to icy style stream to an icecast server from the
same mountpoint, because of the source reconnection features of icecast
(how is it supposed to know if you're a down mount returning, or a new

> I see the /etc/mounts.aut file and the groups.aut and users.aut. I just
> don't see where I make a connection between streem comming in and "mount
> point" goint out. 

You do this only in the clients.  the .aut stuff is for controlling
access.  Ie, you can put a password on certain mountpoints.  But you
cannot change the mountpoints there.

You can change a mountpoint after a stream has connected by using the
'modify' command at the console.


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