[icecast] ices

Ryan Sayre ryan at tron-thorpe.com
Fri Apr 6 01:39:36 UTC 2001

On Fri, 6 Apr 2001, John Griffiths wrote:

> it's funny.
> I only started this so my ex-girlfriend on the other side of the world
> could hear a song (downloading mp3's was not possible for complex
> reasons but streaming audio was)
> but goddammit i'm going to make this thing work if it kills me.

Obviously mission critical. :-\

Why not make the binaries on another box, zip up the "made" stuff, and
just do a make install?

The DMCA sucks.

ryan at tron-thorpe.com ** Ryan Sayre **  Systems Engineer -- Oregon
Tron-Thorpe, Inc: The Solutions Foundry     Phone: (503) 657-4509
http://www.tron-thorpe.com                  FAX:   (503) 212-0165

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