[Icecast-dev] ices metadata

Philipp Schafft phschafft at de.loewenfelsen.net
Thu May 19 18:24:19 UTC 2022

Good evening,

On Thu, 2022-05-19 at 18:11 +0100, Diogo Rodrigues wrote:
> I am using Ices2 + Icecast to stream some audio files with metadata.
> These audio files are supplied by a script, by using the ices script
> input module.
> I read that, every time the script is run, it should supply a single
> line containing the location of the file to be fed by ices.
> However, I believe I read somewhere else that there was a way for the
> script to provide extra information after the file location.
> I was wondering if it is possible for me to write a script that can
> send custom metadata to ices after the file location, instead of ices
> getting the metadata from the audio file. This way I would not have
> to change the file metadata before streaming; I would only need to
> tell ices to use some different metadata.

That is not possible as... IceS 2 would exactly do the same as you need
to do: edit the file.

IceS 2 does not magically send the metadata to Icecast. It is part of
the file. That is all there is to it. So altering it would mean to edit
the file.

When you edit the file ideally try to use a tool that only updates the
metadata and does not transcode. Examples are vorbiscomment(1), but it
can also be done with other tools.

Hope that helped. :)

With best regards,

PS: Tomorrow's presentation is explaining exactly this in more details.
So if you're interested, send me a message off-list. :)

Philipp Schafft (CEO/Geschäftsführer) 
Telephon:  +49.3535 490 17 92
Website:   https://www.loewenfelsen.net/
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