[Icecast-dev] Icecast stats.xml

Roger Hågensen rescator at emsai.net
Wed Oct 22 23:38:39 PDT 2014

Consider this a Ticket for Icecast 2.4

If you look at

on a Icecast-KH server (default setup) and an Icecast 2.4 server 
(default setup) the following is one of the things that the KH branch 
has as extra info.

<listener id="3581">

The fact that Icecast 2.4 lacks this info makes it impossible (or close 
to impossible short of scraping the listener page) to collect listener 
time stats.

The listener stats (the id, ip and connected) is vital for building the 
logs that StreamLicensing.com needs.
Due to this SL can only support Shoutcast v1, SHoutcastv2 and Icecast-KH.
These stats are vital for the calculation and reporting of the royalties 
to SoundExchange and various PROs.

This causes a small issue as server hosting companies only support 
Icecast (not the -KH branch), and Centova Cast (which many hosters use 
for their backend) do not support Icecast-KH either.

This causes a deadzone where Icecast 2.4 can not be used as the 
streaming server.

Icecast 2.4 and Icecast-KH should have parity on stats.xml as Icecast 
2.4 and Icecast-KH should be interchangeable using the default 
out-of-the-box settings.

PS! Something must be wrong with Trac on Xiph.org.
Each time I tried to submit the above I got an error saying:
"SpamBayes determined spam probability of 72.83%"
How can the above be spam (the ***** not included obviously), has the 
Bayesian filter been poisoned?
Initially I got a spam probability of 50%, I changed the example url of 
admin/stats.xml to not include http and localhost and port number 
thinking that was the issue, but removing that made it reach 73% instead.

Roger "Rescator" Hågensen.
Freelancer - http://www.EmSai.net/

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