[Icecast-dev] Icecast 2.4 beta4 memory leak

v_2e at ukr.net v_2e at ukr.net
Sun Jan 26 09:39:00 PST 2014


On Sun, 26 Jan 2014 12:28:36 +0000
"Thomas B. Rücker" <thomas at ruecker.fi> wrote:

> > Can you please run Icecast under Valgrind?
> > I'm personally using:
> > valgrind -v --time-stamp=yes --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes
> > icecast -c /etc/icecast2/icecast.xml
  I will test using this command, however I have never used Valgrind
and know absolutely nothing about it. But I'll try to log its output to

> > With our experiments so far we were not able to see such massive
> > leaks. It would also help to know more about your setup.
> > Which distro is this on? Which version of it?
> > Built from source? OBS package?
  I use it on the Debian 7.2 (stable) system.   The OS is running on
the virtual private server.
  I compiled the IceCast package by myself and created a .deb-file for
it. After that I installed this .deb-file as an ordinary Debian package.

> >
> > By the looks of it each stream leaks something in your case.
> > How long are the songs you have in the playlists (Wondering how
> > often it gets metadata updates).
  The songs are usually about 3 to 5 minutes long -- a usual radio

> One thing I noticed from the graph is that there the leak
> seemed to only occur for ices0. The graph has it active all
> the time, so it's hard to tell, what's interesting though, is that
> ices2 now seems to have an impact on the growth rate.
> But without knowing more about the setup, server config, etc -  it's
> impossible to tell what really happens.
  According to my observations, every IceS stream adds some memory
leak. It was true both for the Icecast-2.4beta3 and Icecast-2.4beta4.
The only difference I noticed was in the actual leakage rate. It was
bigger for beta4.
  If you still have my old graph for beta3, you can see the transition
from the band #4 to #5. One of the IceS instances (the smaller one --
for the single stream) was turned off at that point. And one may
clearly see a sharp	change in the memory leakage rate (from 80
bytes/sec to 50 bytes/sec).

  Please let me know if I can help in some way. I'll do my best.
Meanwhile let me see what Valgrind shows.


 <v_2e at ukr.net>

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