[Icecast-dev] Smartjog patchs

Niv Sardi xaiki at evilgiggle.com
Wed Jun 15 21:17:32 PDT 2011

ldefert <ldefert at smartjog.com> writes:
> I work for the company Smartjog (http://smatjog.com/) where we use a
> modified version of Icecast. We would like to contribute back those patchs,
> and hopefully have them merged in the official repository. I have posted
> them on the patch tracker, so feel free to leave a comment on them.
for those (like me) who wonder what that is:

| #1814 | FLV streaming support                      |
| #1812 | Handle a source using POST and PUT request |
so that just lets them in, then you need to do SOURCE-like auth anyway,
and have SOURCE-capable software, is it really worth it ? that was a
hack made to be able to push directly with ffmpeg POST and not have to
use a libshout client in the middle.

not saying you should


but maybe.

| #1811 | Fix streaming on iPhone                    |
have you actually checked it's needed, I remember pulling this one off
my tree after a discussion on #icecast.

| #1810 | Race conditions fix                        |
that's a bucketload of more locking, any performance data ?

Niv Sardi

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