[Icecast-dev] Ogg Vorbis Streams - song or track metadata for client?

Karl Heyes karl at xiph.org
Thu Mar 24 07:37:23 PST 2005

On Thu, 2005-03-24 at 08:56, Simon Liu wrote:
> Hi,
> I am writing client software to connect to Ogg streams.  I believe
> Icecast supports sending track information for Mp3 streams, via
> icy-metadata / metaint.

yes, that is what shoutcast style metadata uses.

> - For MP3 streams, does Icecast also support sending track information
> 'out-of band' on another port?

in theory we could, although it doesn't currently.  Whether it's worth
it is another matter.

> - For Ogg Vorbis streams, how is song/track information sent and
> updated to the client?  How do I parse this information?

a new set of headers are sent, ie a new logical stream


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