[icecast-dev] icecast 2 auth problem with (old?) ices, MuSe

Mihai RUSU dizzy at roedu.net
Tue Jan 13 01:12:07 PST 2004

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Hi Michael and thanks for answer!

On Tue, 13 Jan 2004, Michael Smith wrote:

> This shouldn't be being passed to _check_pass_icy() at all - this isn't the 
> "icy" (shoutcast nasty ugly) protocol at all. We support that (icy) protocol 
> because it's widely used - but it's a horribly ugly hack to pretend that it's 
> HTTP-like. We're not adding more not-HTTP-but-somewhat-similar protocols.

Ok, let me get this straight, its a client bug right ? (ie ices, MuSe) In 
that case I need to update my ices ? (I thought both ices and MuSe use 
libshout for client-server low-level comunication in which case this 
libshout would need to be fixed). I will contact MuSe and ices devs if 
this is the case... 

Another question, if this is some old/broken protocol, is there a libshout
version that supports some protocol to connect as a source to shoutcast,
icecast1, icecast2 ?

- -- 
Mihai RUSU                                    Email: dizzy at roedu.net
GPG : http://dizzy.roedu.net/dizzy-gpg.txt    WWW: http://dizzy.roedu.net
                       "Linux is obsolete" -- AST
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)

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